Monday, March 9, 2009

Quick Tip: Handling Marketing Phone Abuse

Don't know if you, like me, get stupid numbers of calls from every kind of Sales shitwit and Marketing bastard on the planet offering you every kind of special deal you don't want...?
If you're subject to any of this - automated or not - then best get yourself registered with TPS - The Telephone Preference Service where you can register mobiles and home phones to get them on lists to be excluded from all that kind of rage-inducing bollocks.
They reckon you should be fully protected within around 28 days; and you then also have a very specific recourse and warning-off line to tell anyone who bothers you.

There's way too much of this crap getting in the way of a peaceful life nowadays - and short of getting hold of these people's phone numbers and ringing *them* at home instead (which is pretty tempting of course) then this may well be a very good solution.
Gotta be worth a go...

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