Wednesday, February 11, 2009

El Canto Del Loco English Fansite -

More than a couple of times I've used this blog to publish news about Spanish band El Canto Del Loco. Well, I've finally decided that rather than knock out the odd story here (although I'll probably do exactly that anyway...), it would make more sense to actually build a news, info and downloads site about them...
As a result, I've built and launched - an El Canto Del Loco fansite in English which aims to spread the word about them to people outside of Spain and to pass on news and info in the English language.
If you or anyone you know likes ECDL or is curious then please do point your browser at the site to keep up with the band and their activities (especially if they ever include activities in the UK, which I desparately hope they will...)

Already the site includes info on all their albums; De personas a personas, Personas, Arriba el telón, Zapatillas, Estados de ánimo, A contracorriente, and El Canto del Loco - plus videoclips, desktop wallpaper, weblinks, news on record sales and info on a cool introductory El Canto Del Loco iMix you can grab from iTunes.

Go see...
Enjoy :-)

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