Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Latest Lie On ID Cards

Are you under the impression that the government's announcement that ID cards will be "voluntary" is the end of it?
If for one moment yesterday's news made you think that you could forget about the discredited scheme, please don't. Not for a second.

Basically it's complete and utter spin and weasel words (no surprises there, then...) and the central plan to enforce the ID database goes on unchanged - and that means forcing everyone to register personal info whenever they need to update "certain documents"... that's things like passports or driving licences, and in the process paying for an ID card whether they want it or not.

Calling it "voluntary" is nothing short of dishonest. If you don't submit the details then you won't be able to drive or leave the country.
You have a few weeks before MPs vote in parliament on this, so if it troubles you (and pretty much anything this government does in this area troubles me a huge amount - they've proved themselves not only utterly incompetent and incapable on data and IT matters, but they've also proved utterly dishonest, deceitful and untrustworthy on pretty much anything to do with our rights and liberties) then you should waste no time in writing to your MP.

Also why not go check out NO2ID and maybe join them or make a donation.

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