Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Barclays Gags Guardian. But...

Barclays Bank has won an injunction against the Guardian newspaper preventing it from publishing documents which showed how the bank set up companies to avoid hundreds of millions of pounds in tax.
Nonetheless, it seems unfair that at this time more than ever these scumsucking banking pondlife should get ANY backing from the law to cover up how they've abused and robbed the nation at large - and so if you point your browser HERE you can find all the leaked memos online.
Please share...
Sharing is good. :-)


abc said...

I love the internet.
Things like that are harder to hide now. Like the story of the Chinese athletes being too young - Hackers found cache files of the national Chinese athletes list which was later deleted, but showed clear evidence that the allegations were true. And then the guys shared the info with the world. Gotta love that. :)

gb said...

Comments that were posted on the Guardian's website referring to online sources have also been removed (I guess they have no choice following the injunction), so it becomes both a duty and a pleasure to make sure more links spring up elsewhere... ;-)