Friday, February 27, 2009

Totalitarian Mentalist Of The Week: Jack Straw

(*Jack Straw in his previous role of the Demon Headmaster)

Why would I post this link to an opinion/comment piece by Jack Straw defending his, and his government's stance and record on liberty and civil liberties, when I clearly disagree pretty much 100%?
Good question, and I'm not entirely sure myself. I think it's probably because it's worth reading simply so you can gawp in either admiration at the delusion / mendacity of the man, or feel a hint of sympathy that he is clearly off his rocker and has lost his already feeble grip on reality. Either way, it's a gread read if you're a lover of the Fiction genre...
There's some excellent comments of feedback too - loads of them in fact (hardly surprising given how easy it is to pick apart such awful, patronising bollocks) - though of course, they will doubtless go unanswered.

What with reading that this morning AND all the latest on that other servant of Satan, Sir Fred Goodwin, I'm beginning to wonder if we shouldn't start working ourselves out of this recession by creating lots of jobs for Gallows Builders.

I'll stop now before that full-blown Anger Stroke hits... ;-)

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